Happy New Year everyone! Hope that everyone had a nice holiday time. Thought I'd post a little "wrap-up" of some of the highlights of the year on our blog - at least as I see them. Feel free to chime in!
Dechronization turned 1 in 2009 - that was exciting - and we added two new authors: Dan Rabosky and Liam Revell. We started our interview series, kicking off with Joe Felsenstein, Jack Sullivan, and Rob Desalle. More to come - who would you like to see interviewed in 2010? There was a lot of Geneious love (and a few snarky accusations that we might be getting paid off by them - we assure you we're not!), a lively discussion of the swine flu (sorry, H1N1) epidemic - something that got the attention of Medpedia and resulted in our blog being showcased on their site. There were lots of good discussions about Bayesian methods - when they fail and when we fail them (twice). We had some fun with the infamous "Snake with a Foot" photo and a few posts poking at the bizarre PNAS paper touting that "forbidden love" between butterflies and onychophorans had resulted in caterpillar love children. There were posts from the Evolution meetings in Moscow, Idaho in June as well as the Anolis Symposium at Harvard in October and Rich gave us glimpses into some exciting fieldwork in Haiti. Thanks to everyone (our stats counter says 19,970 returning readers for 2009!) for reading our blog. Looking forward to 2010!
Never said that you were being paid by Geneious. Scientists are not sell-outs for cheap advertising, they have integrity, principles and, above all, high moral grounds.
I just thought it was strange to mention and link to Geneious so many times in one post. Because of that you guys are known as Geneious-whores in our lab meetings. Always fun!!
Happy 2010!! Keep up the good work and Biomatters will mail a new licence for the year!!!
Thanks, Myron. Yours wasn't the only mention - in fact, yours was pretty funny. The "best" ones were deleted!
Very nice summary, Susan. I will try to post an entry or two from SICB this week.
Good job hitting all those highlights Susan! I'll look forward to hearing something from Liam at SICB. Brian Moore has done interviews with Huelsenbeck and Ronquist, so hopefully summaries of those will appear shortly!
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