Candace Toner, CEO of
Biomatters and Steven Stones-Havas, a developer from
Geneious came to the AMNH today and gave us a presentation on some new features of version 4.6 and a sneak preview of version 4.7, to be released soon. Some nifty new features include tools to help better visualize alignments and trees as well as the ability to link via
"Green Button" to run things on the New Zealand Supercomputing Center (which, for geeks out there, was the same cluster used to render LOTR). Lots more plug-ins are planned as well. They were also really great about answering questions from our staff and students and took down some suggestions we had for slight improvements. They even bought us all pizza for lunch. Now that's customer service!
It looks nice. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has direct experience with more than a demo. If it works as advertized, it could replace a number of tedious and/or expensive programs. At $495 for a single academic user, the price is pretty nice. If it replaced Sequencher alone, it would be a good deal.
Much of the Geneious love shared on this blog stems from the fact that it is cheaper and better than Sequencher.
It's cheaper and better (does pretty much all of what Sequencher did and then some) and then on top of it, they really listen to the users and strive to keep it a very open platform. We have about 10 licenses at AMNH and people are really enjoying it. Just looks to become a better and better product that evolves with our science.
Geneious is indeed as good as everyone on this blog has said it is. I was an initial skeptic in the switch from Sequencher, but have since become a big fan. I've been particularly happy with the organizational structure it offers for dealing with multiple different projects and multiple different loci/contigs.
Why I use it: The student rego is only $USD89 for 6 months, which is pretty affordable. If you ask for a feature to be added, or have a problem with the software, you get a quick response from a real person. The interface is super-simple to use. It's not like some programs where the features you want are scattered among a hundred different sub menus of sub menus. You can scale up the complexity when you're ready by using free add-ons to get more features. Love this software!!
An important note for those considering a switch from Sequencher to Geneious is the latter's lack of import of previous Sequencher projects. This is by no fault of Biomatters, but due to GeneCodes' proprietary file formats.
Take the jump with your next sequencing project and you will likely not be disappointed.
Hurrah for Geneious ! :)
Geneious does everything Sequencher does and more. I've switched and won't look back.
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