* mapping, sequencing, and analysis of mitochondrial DNA and RNA
* descriptive studies of DNA sequences from whole mitochondrial genomes
* population genetics, medical genetics, phylogenetics and human evolution that use mitochondrial DNA as a source of evidence for studies
* population genetics and systematics theory that specifically address the use of mitochondrial DNA sequences
* utility of mitochondrial DNA information in medical studies and in human evolutionary biology
* DNA barcoding studies using both empirical approaches and theory-based critiques
Plus, timely reviews on subjects relevant to mitochondrial genomics, genetics and medicine and a regular feature each issue called “mito-communications” that highlight and summarize published research or conference summaries that are relevant to the subject of mitochondrial genomics and genetics.
To access journal information and to submit a manuscript please go to the following URLs.
SUBMISSIONS: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/gdna
INFORMATION: http://www.informaworld.com/MitochondrialDNA
Just when you thought mitochondrial DNA was down in dumps after suffering through years of nasty rumors about introgression, it rises from the ashes like John McCain's campaign in the primaries. If you're willing to look past that pathetic segue, I wanted to share a link to an interesting blog on science and the election: (A Vote For Science.
I predict "Chloroplast DNA" is next.
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