We've been joking about weekly porn postings to elicit more Google hits. Turns out that this works: some pervert from Germany actually arrived at our site last week after conducting a google search for 'invertebrate porn.' Congratulations you sick fuck, you just made my week. Given this success, I offer the following shot of snapping turtles in the act. This one is in honor of my new pet snapping turtle, a hatchling named Goldschmidt (anybody care to guess what motivated me to give the little beast this name?). One of my graduate students found baby Goldschmidt wandering near the Gennessee River not far from campus. Since snappers usually don't even start nesting in NY until June I'm assuming this little bugger over-wintered in the nest.
1 comment:
I was just trying to get a googlewhack, I'm not a pervert.
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